3 Quotes & Sayings By Jean Gill

Jean Gill is a psychologist and author who specializes in the field of grief and trauma and the impact that traumatic events have on our lives. She works with individuals, couples, families, and groups to help them heal from grief, loss, divorce, abuse, chronic illness, addiction, trauma, life transitions, and other forms of stress. Jean is an internationally recognized presenter with over 20 years of experience sharing her work at the highest levels of professional organizations. She is also a keynote speaker for conferences across North America Read more

Jean's books include How Do You Live When You Die?, The Healing Journey: Ending Grief Through Mindfulness-Based Therapy for Survivors of Trauma, The Healing Journey: Ending Grief through Mindfulness-Based Therapies for Survivors of Rape & Sexual Assault (with Linda Politzer), The Healing Journey: Ending Grief Through Mindfulness-Based Therapy for Families of Deceased Infants (with Linda Politzer), The Healing Journey: Trauma Recovery through Mindfulness-Based Therapy for Survivors of Trauma (with Linda Politzer), How to Heal the Deepest Wounds

And then the great music of which the world is made took him over, beyond thought, beyond control until he heard her cry his name and they fell together off the edge of the world. Jean Gill
Power does not always shout its presence, my Lady, and each of the two hundred men armed behind you on this road represent a thousand more ready to die at your command. Every word you speak has the weight of those men. Jean Gill